Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vive zip it! La Luguna de Tiscapa

Below General Sandino's silhouette is the Tascapa Crater in downtown Managua
When one sees the view of this small laguna framed by beautiful green trees and plants, it takes a few seconds to take it all in. It also takes a few seconds to accept the fact that one is about to soar over it along a massive zip line. One after the other I watched my peers get pushed from the patio that sat at the top of the cliff ledge. When it finally was my turn and when I was pushed into the open air the rush and the exhilaration threatened to overtake me. The wind rushed into my face as the tree tops rushed under my feet. The scenery then surrounds you and you are no longer an onlooker, you a part of it....Ben


  1. incredible a zip-line experience...did that once myself over the Pecos River in New Mexico...an amazing way to be in it! Your days are full of amazing adventures and fun!

  2. that is so kewl! I would be jealous if I could say I wouldn't be afraid...Enjoy all of this and soak it all in for it will be with you for the rest of your eternity.Remember to leave only what you want them to identify with you as an individual...love you my son!
