Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prisms on Culture: Service projects around La Maraposa

Prisms on Culture: Service projects around La Maraposa
Ive had the pleasure of working con mis amigos Ben y Manuel here on the Mariposa grounds this week. Trabajamos has been underneath the warm unforgiving Nicaraguan sol, but so damn fun. The animales on the property talk just as loud if not louder than the people who reside here and our guide Manuel has shown us how to interact with them. A simple whistle from him is returned with Native birds swooping down dancing on branches and giving the same call back. I cant remember when something as normal as a whistle made me feel so connected to nature/the enviroment. Al ciente!

1 comment:

  1. what you hear outside is more enjoyable when you truly listen..the deer walking in the woods, the moose calling to another, the waves hitting the shore and the whale just the birds answering a call from someone they know. how awesome to just listen!
